Novidades 2024
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2024:
- An Adaptation Effect in Bilingual Adults Who Stutter Suggests Their Motor Learning is Influenced by Language Factors
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2024:
- Developmental stuttering in adults
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2024:
- A theory building critical realist evaluation of an integrated cognitive-behavioural fluency enhancing stuttering treatment for school-age children. Part 1: Development of a preliminary program theory from expert speech-language pathologist data
- Contemporary clinical conversations about stuttering: Can intervention stop early stuttering development?
- Long-term evaluation of psychosocial impact and stuttering severity after intensive stuttering therapy
- Public attitudes toward stuttering and cluttering in Chinese and Japanese speech-language pathology students
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2024:
- Perceptions of and beliefs about stuttering in the Hispanic/Latino community
- The Contributions of the Cerebellar Peduncles and the Frontal Aslant Tract in Mediating Speech Fluency
Inserido em Textos e Livros uma breve descrição do quarto livreto da coleção Gagueira Infantil: Conversa com Adultos
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Identifying stuttering in Arabic speakers who stutter: development of a non-word repetition task and preliminary results - Corrigendum
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2024:
- Evaluating Stuttering Self-Stigma and Its Relationship to Adverse Impact in Children and Adolescents With the Child Stuttering Self-Stigma Scale
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Linguistic biomarkers of neurological, cognitive, and psychiatric disorders: verification, analytical validation, clinical validation, and machine learning [Editorial]
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Behind the mask: Stuttering, anxiety, and communication dynamics in the era of COVID-19
- Exploring the Activation of Target Words in Picture Naming in Children Who Stutter: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials
- Mitigating stuttering self-stigma: How do we start and where do we go? Using a Participative Concept Mapping Approach to develop a local framework of principles
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Auditory Processing of Speech and Nonspeech in People Who Stutter
- Explicit and implicit cognitive processes of the public towards people who stutter
- Italian normative data for the Unhelpful Thoughts and Beliefs about Stuttering (UTBAS) Scales for adults who stutter
- Stuttering in individuals with Down syndrome: a systematic review of earlier research - Corrigendum
- Treatment for preschool age children who stutter: Protocol of a randomised, non-inferiority parallel group pragmatic trial with Mini-KIDS, social cognitive behaviour treatment and the Lidcombe Program-TreatPaCS
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- 'Do it afraid': An arts-based reflexive collective case study exploring youth responses to post-concussion communication changes in daily life
- Electroencephalographic Classification Reveals Atypical Speech Motor Planning in Stuttering Adults
- Psychedelics in developmental stuttering to modulate brain functioning: a new therapeutic perspective?
- The acute effects of nonsleep deep rest on perceptual responses, physical, and cognitive performance in physically active participants
- Validity and utility of the Japanese version of the brief unhelpful thoughts and beliefs about stuttering scale: UTBAS-6-J
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Abnormal cerebral blood flow in children with developmental stuttering
- Caregiver Predictions of Their 3- to 6-Year-Old Child Who Stutters' Communication Attitude
- Reactive Inhibitory Control Precedes Overt Stuttering Events
- Speech Disfluencies in Bilingual Lebanese Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Allergies, asthma, and sleep problems in adults who stutter
- Could linguistic and cognitive factors, degree of autistic traits and sex predict speech disfluencies in autistic young adults and controls?
- Malingering in Adolescent Psychiatry: A Case Report of Fabricated Symptoms to Avoid Legal Consequences
- Self-Perceived Communication Competence of Adults Who Stutter Following Communication-Centered Treatment
- Stutterers' experiences on classic psychedelics: A preliminary self-report study
- Stuttering in adolescence and the risk for dysglycemia in early adulthood
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Development and validation of a research version of the Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering- Adult (OASES-A-R)
- Localization of stuttering based on causal brain lesions
- Subtle Patterns of Altered Responsiveness to Delayed Auditory Feedback during Finger Tapping in People Who Stutter
-The experience of stuttering in everyday life among adults who stutter: The impact of trait social anxiety and the social situations
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Observer-rated outcomes of communication-centered treatment for adults who stutter: A social validation study
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Lower nonword syllable sequence repetition accuracy in adults who stutter is related to differences in audio-motor oscillations
Inserido em Textos e Livros uma breve descrição do terceiro livreto da coleção Gagueira Infantil: Conversa com Adultos
Inserido em Neurociências uma sintese do artigo "O que se sabe e o que não se sabe sobre a neurobiologia da gagueira" de Nicole E. Neef & Soo-Eun Chang, 2024
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Evidence for planning and motor subtypes of stuttering based on resting state functional connectivity
- Multiple-community-based epidemiological study of stuttering among 3-year-old children in Japan
- The application of neuronavigated rTMS of the supplementary motor area and rhythmic speech training for stuttering intervention
- The clinical and genetic spectrum of paediatric speech and language disorders in 52,143 individuals
- Validation of the Persian Version of the Palin Parent Rating Scales
- Visualising the dynamic morphology of stuttering using real-time MRI
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- FreDESS: a clinical tool for perceptual evaluation of stuttering
- Identification of the Biomechanical Response of the Muscles That Contract the Most during Disfluencies in Stuttered Speech
- Mental state verb use in play by preschool-age children who stutter and their mothers
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- A prospective 14-year follow-up study of the persistence and recovery of stuttering
- [Analysis of language and influencing factors of children with speech disorder in Beijing]
- Disfluency in speech and language disorders
- The Association Between Stuttering Burden and Psychosocial Aspects of Life in Adults
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Associations between social anxiety, physiological reactivity, and speech disfluencies in autistic young adults and controls
- Lidcombe Program telehealth treatment for children 6-12 years of age: A Phase II trial
- Streptococcal Serology in Children With Stuttering
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Communicative practices and perceptions towards stuttering people in South Africa
- Why do people who stutter attend stuttering support groups? - Erratum
Inserido em Textos e Livros uma breve descrição do segundo livreto da coleção Gagueira Infantil: Conversa com Adultos
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Contemporary clinical conversations about stuttering: What does brain imaging research mean to clinicians?
- Major discrimination due to stuttering and its association with quality of life
- Mobile version of the Battery for the Assessment of Auditory Sensorimotor and Timing Abilities (BAASTA): Implementation and adult norms
- Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the stuttering generalization self-measure tool in adults who stutter
- Treatment for Stuttering in Preschool-Age Children: A Qualitative Document Analysis of Treatment Programs
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Comparison of performance of automatic recognizers for stutters in speech trained with event or interval markers
- Erasmus clinical model of the onset and development of stuttering 2.0
- Functional and structural abnormalities of the speech disorders: a multimodal activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis
19 E 20.03.24
Curso ARTS: Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering com Vivan Sisskin - aguardando autorização para postar a tradução de dois folhetos informativos.
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Attention networks in multilingual adults who do and who do not stutter
- Exploring international advances and collaborative scholarship: A preface to the Special Issue of the 2022 Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering
- Inhibitory Control, Cognitive Flexibility, and the Production of Disfluencies in Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter
- Investigation of central auditory processing performance in individuals with and without stuttering
- Novel FOXP2 variant associated with speech and language dysfunction in a Chinese family and literature review
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- A Study of Emotion Regulation Difficulties, Repetitive Negative Thinking, and Experiential Avoidance in Adults with Stuttering: A Comparative Study
- Examining resting state functional connectivity and frequency power analysis in adults who stutter compared to adults who do not stutter
- Knowns and unknowns about the neurobiology of stuttering
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Attitudes toward stuttering of college students in the USA and China: A cross-cultural comparison using the POSHA-S
- Can listeners predict whether or not a stutter follows a stretch of fluent speech?
- Designing a Module on Stuttering and Cluttering: A Guide for Speech-Language Pathology Educators
- Evaluation of an Integrated Fluency and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention for Adolescents and Adults Who Stutter
- Genetic architecture of childhood speech disorder: a review
- How perceived communication skills needed for careers influences vocational stereotyping of people who stutter
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Manifestation of speech disfluencies in preschool Cantonese-English speaking bilingual children
- Morphological deficits of glial cells in a transgenic mouse model for developmental stuttering
- Screening for Speech and Language Delay and Disorders in Children 5 Years or Younger: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force
- Therapeutic potential of robots for people who stutter: a preliminary study
Inserido em Neurociências: teaser e excertos do artigo Trajetórias do Desenvolvimento Cerebral associadas à Persistência e Recuperação da Gagueira Infantil
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- Attitudes of Malaysian Speech-Language Pathologists and Speech-Language Pathology Students Toward Stuttering
- Awareness and Knowledge of Stuttering Among Malaysian School-Aged Children: An Exploratory Study
- Risk of sleep problems in a clinical sample of children who stutter
-Self-reported musculoskeletal pain, headache, jaw pain and swallowing dysfunction in a sample of young Saudi adults who stutter
- What works, how and in which contexts when supporting parents to implement intensive speech and language therapy at home for children with speech sound disorder? A protocol for a realist review
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2023:
- Brain response to errors in children who stutter
- Delay frustration in children who do and do not stutter: A preliminary study
- Exploring participatory health research and its application to speech and language therapy research practices
- Predictors of public attitudes in Saudi Arabia toward people who stutter
Inserido em Abstracts janeiro a julho de 2024:
- A case study of bilingual neurogenic stuttering: Measures of fluency, emotion, and articulation rate
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2023:
- A different perspective into clinical symptoms in CPT I deficiency
- Stuttering in individuals with Down syndrome: a systematic review of earlier research
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2023:
- Ann Packman: Reflections on a career
- Computational Intelligence-Based Stuttering Detection: A Systematic Review
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2023:
- Comparing the beliefs regarding biological or psychological causalities toward stereotyped perception of people who stutter
- Improving specificity of stimulation-based language mapping in stuttering glioma patients: A mixed methods serial case study
- Self-Reported Stuttering Severity Is Accurate: Informing Methods for Large-Scale Data Collection in Stuttering
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2023:
- A comparison of structural morphometry in children and adults with persistent developmental stuttering
- Dyslexia and Stuttering: An Overview of Processing Deficits and the Relationship Between Them
- Prevalence, comorbidities, and profiles of neurodevelopmental disorders according to the DSM-5-TR in children aged 6 years old in a European region
Inserido em Abstracts agosto a dezembro de 2023:
- Comparison of Participation in Online Games and Communication Experiences of School-Age Children Who Do and Do not Stutter: Exploratory Study
- Meta-analysis of structural integrity of white matter and functional connectivity in developmental stuttering
- Preferred Communication Strategies for People with Communication Disabilities in Health Care Encounters: a Qualitative Study
- Stuttering as a spectrum disorder: A hypothesis
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